Interest Groups
We actively encourage people to join as many groups as they wish
- We are always keen for new groups to get started and we will offer potential leaders or convenors all the help we can. New groups are eligible for a start up grant to help with publicity and there is also some financial help for equipment (which then becomes the property of Croydon u3a).
- Please note: you will be expected to join Croydon u3a before you reserve a place in a group. If you would like to explore the possibility of starting a group or if you would like to suggest a group that we do not currently have we are always open to new ideas. Send your suggestions to the Groups Co-ordinator and we will see what we can do.
If you have difficulties in finding the information you need, or if you have any suggestions as to new groups we could form, then please let us know by contacting the Groups Co-ordinator to see if we can help.
Explore our groups by Category , A-Z of group names or from the Timetable.