Redefining Later Life
There is a huge body of recent research which demonstrates without doubt that having social connections and being active in mind and body works wonders.
The quality and quantity of social connections in your life are so important in enabling you to live longer better.
Here’s where joining Croydon u3a with all the Interest Groups can be a fantastic investment. We have many different types of groups to satisfy your curiosity in non-formal learning where there are no entry requirements and learning is for its own sake. There are opportunities for your to share your skills and experience with others. You can get out and about with others and enjoy well-being, friendship and have a diary bursting with activities, outings and fun occasions.
Explore the Interest Groups, and if you have an idea for a group which we are missing, get in touch and let’s make a plan!

These are our Interest Groups, or explore them by Category from the Interest Groups menu.